In article <[log in to unmask]>, Gary Jackson
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>I upgraded to 5.5 yesterday and now I ocasionally get the following message
>on the console:
>5:05/44 The last name component of the pathname does not exist in the
>HP Directory message 1
>Anyone know what causes this?
>Gary Jackson
>Nevada CSOS
>(916) 478-6407 - voice
>(916) 478-6410 - fax

I have also been getting this message since upgrading from the 5.5
pre-release to the 5.5 "pull" (C.55.00).  On my '917/LX, the message
occurs after every file printed by the spooler.  Other than
the annoying message, I can't see any problem on the printed
document or anywhere else.  The printer is an HP LJ4 connected to a
serial port on the DTC-16/iX (hardware handshaking @ 38,400 BPS).
I'm glad to find that somebody besides me has seen this, although
it shoots-down my theory of a chance encounter with a stray cosmic
particle during the update process ...............

Winston K.