Item Subject: Meddelandetext
I'm certainly not a HP-C-expert, but I've been led to believe that C/XL
is ANSI-compliant, at least if you specify it in the compile-command:
:CCXL source,obj,list;info="-Aa"
> Can anybody help re the following:-
>   a) C ctime returns incorrect timestamp, does somebody know the
> packing format of time_t on the HP3000-900?

as I said before, I'm no expert, but this should be standard?? Is the
TZ-variable set? correctly?
>   b) Is there a GNU C compiler for the HP3000-900 running MPE XL?
I think there is one on jazz, but I guess it only runs under MPE/iX, and
maybe thats why the things above didn't work in the first place. In that
case I'm left in the dark and have to excuse the waste of bandwidth
