One minor clarification regarding IMAGE/SQL and Third Party Indexes:

Kumar wrote:
>From: K N Kumar
>To: HP3000-L
>Subject: Re: Image/SQL
>Date: Wednesday, October 16, 1996 3:39PM
>Jim Keohane wrote:


>> 3. There is no SQL (imbedded or API) that handles the special Image
>>    datatypes (I3,J3,etc.).


>When an Image DB is attached to a DBE, all TPIs are registered in the
>system catalog of the DBE if the DB is enabled for TPI. So Allbase knows
>about Image TPIs and will use them to optimize performance whenever

*** Note: only some of the third party indexes are registered.  There are 2
types: Sorted & Multiple and only the Sorted indexes are registered.  And,
of these, only the keys on actual fields are indexed; composite (or
segmented) sorted keys are not.

Rich Trapp
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