
i'm trying to add a 2nd dtc to my system.  i *believe* i have properly
informed my 918 (running 5.0) of the new dtc's presence and have
gotten the ethernet cabling right.  BUT when i take the system down
and bring it back up - dtc #1 (oh - they're both 48's) does a rotating
flash of 64 & 65 and dtc #2 does a rotating flash of 63, 64 & 65.
obviously, somethings not right (duh :-).  if i unplugged the 2nd dtc
from the 't' on the back of the first dtc, dtc #1 will (in it's ever
so leisurely fashion <sigh>) sync-up with the system and everything is
hunky-dory.  any ideas?  tia          - donna

btw - guess a picture might be helpful...

918-------T--#1        ('T' = t-connector on the back of the dtc)
                 |                 (----- & | = ethernet cables)