Jim Keohane <[log in to unmask]> asked some good questions about IMAGE/SQL.

   Here's the short answer to you questions as I understand them:

>   Is there an API or imbedded SQL for C programs to access Image DB's?

C programs can access IMAGE/SQL via preprocessed SQL assuming it's attached
to an ALLBASE Database Environment file (DBE File).

They can also access then via the TurboImage Intrinsic API which is usually
much faster and allows more control (especially of Third Party Indexes)

>   What distinguishes Image from TurboImage from Image/SQL? My guess is
>speed then SQL access.

Image is the precursor to TurboImage; Basically the same API with some minor
internal structure changes & smaller limits that TurboImage.  You basically
ignore Image & concentrate on TurboImage.

IMAGE/SQL is basically TurboImage unless you attach it to a DBE file so you
can get SQL access.

>   A C program can do SQL access to Image via Allbase API or imbedded SQL.
>Does that allow for TPI's?

The Preprocessed SQL doesn't really allow for TPI other than this: If the
TurboImage db has Third Party Indexes installed (and it enabled for either
Omnidex or Superdex in DBUTIL), the Allbase SQL optimizer will pay attention
to SORTED third party indexes and use them when it feels they are

>   I would like to write C code allowing SQL access to Image DB's and
>using TPI's, like Omnidex or Superdex, if present. Can that be done via
>Allbase? Can it be done without Allbase?

You can't access using SQL unless you attach to the Allbase DBE file.
You CAN access via ODBC from a client using M.B. Fosters ODBC Link, but I
don't know if is usable on the host or if you need a Windows based client to
call this.

>   Thanks, - Jim Keohane

Good luck.  Feel free to ask for more/less detail...

Rich Trapp
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