[log in to unmask] writes:

>My current client has a 937 and a 947. They have decided to stick with the
>3000 for awhile longer, but need more horsepower. Their thought is to dump
>the 937 and get a "987". This is the part where I'm confused.

>Does HP still sell 987's new, or would this have to be purchased
>remanufactured, or from a third-party vendor? (I checked the info on Jazz;
>it looks like the 987's are no longer available from HP.)

>Is this even a wise choice at this point? Would a 9x8 box (or later) be a
>"better" choice?

>As PowerHouse 7.x is the primary development environment, would it be best
>to approach Cognos first to see how much box we can afford?

>TIA for your wisdom and experience!

>--Glenn Cole
>Software al dente, Inc.
>[log in to unmask]  <-- client site
>[log in to unmask]      <-- always

I think it would be wise to check with Cognos about upgrade fees first.
My company upgraded a 922LX to a 948 (board upgrade only, using the
same box) two years ago (before I got here).  The board cost $11,000.
The upgrade fee for our COBOL compiler (from HP) was $13,000.  Then  we
had to spend another $5,000 for more memory (the 922 only had 24 MB
and the 948 requires 64 MB minimum).  Now we have a fully-functional
948 that cost us $29,000!  The real kicker is that I recently had a
third-party remarketer quote me a 948 for $4,000!  If we (they) would
have checked out the upgrade fees, I'm sure we could have made a
less expensive choice.

Jim Phillips
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