In a message dated 96-10-02 10:16:09 EDT,
[log in to unmask] (Pickering, John NORBORD)

<< Having met both Alfredo and Denys on numerous occasions, I read their
 postings and assumed that they were both enjoying themselves. I also assumed
 that what was written was done with tongues firmly in cheek. I think both of
 these noble debaters would be happy to spar over almost any subject; Mac vs.
 PC, Ford vs. Chevy, Bud vs. Coors, night vs. day -- the fun is in the
 debate, regardless of subject.

 The real waste of bandwidth is not the original sporting exchange but the
 endless whining and moaning that follows on for days afterwards.

 John "happy to just say delete" Pickering >>

As usual, John is totally correct.  Gosh I hate it when I am found out.
 Alfredo and I had already moved on to other stuff by late Sunday.

It was amazing to see the calls for censorship, actually kind of scary.

Kind regards,

Denys. . .