Denis St-Amand <[log in to unmask]> wrote in article
> Here in Canada, you have to pay a "Return to support" "penalty".  A
> customer recently asked to upgrade from 4.0 to 5.0 or 5.5.  He would
> have to pay software support for the last 18 months "backward" + the
> next 12 months to get new releases.  On their 922LX, it would cost
> around 9000 CAN$.  I don't call that cheap.  They could get another
> 922LX with 5.0 for probably less than that...

If that is the case then it would be a hard sell to management.

I can half way understand the reasoning behind the paying the past 18
months.  If that wasn't the case then no one would continue with support.

I don't agree with having to buy support to get the latest version.

The software should be priced at a reasonable cost and include a 30 day or
soon warranty and include an option to purchase support.

These 'mini' systems need to get a better pricing method for their software
to compete with the PC Networks.  Take an NT Server - you pay for the
server then pay for each client.  The same should apply to the 'mini'
market and be priced competitively.

price out annual upgrades separate from support.  Make them optional.

Henry H Hood    [log in to unmask]