Michael L Gueterman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>OK, I stayed up until 2:30 am this morning to install 5.5 (masochist I know).
>The whole process went fairly well.  The one inch thick installation manual
>seemed overall better than the past documentation, but there are several
>that I ran into.  All were benign, but the bit on setting up the TAR utility
>on page 6-15 took me a couple minutes to figure out.  In true MPE fashion,
>intermix upper and lowercase at will.  In step 2, the instructions say:

>:MKNOD "/DEV/TAPE c 0 n"

> and then go on to explain the parameters.  They even have following that:
>' /dev/tape - The device link filename '
>  ^^^^^^^^^  Ahh the REAL name.  This is what the MKNOD command really wants,
>not it's upshifted cousin.  They get it right in the description, but the
>"type this in" example has it wrong.

>Overall, I'm pleased.  I haven't run into any gotchas (except for the
>reinstal of Allbase/SQL G1.15 since 5.5 shipped only with G1.14).  I setup
>the Network Printing for my Laserjet IIIP using a JetDirect EX Plus print
>server without a hitch (ahhh banner pages without trailer pages!).

>  So far, I'll give it an 'A'.  Cleaner documentation would have pushed it
>up to 'A+'.  Now over the next couple weeks/months, I'll push things and
>see what pops.

>Michael L Gueterman
>Easy Does It Technologies
>email: [log in to unmask]
>voice: (509) 946-6179
>fax:   (509) 946-1170

>We're moving!  Look for us at www.editcorp.com starting soon!

ok I haven't read the install manual all the way though.

but... is there a section in there on connecting & configuring the
networked printers. That's one of the things I will really want to do
once I get this 5.5 up and going. I have to wait for some of my 3rd
party software however and I need time that I can  have the system
down. Since I just ordered another 4 gig I guess maybe I should wait
and install the O/S and the new drive at the same time.

Used, Abused & very confused.
1 very tired P/A, Systems Administrator and Support Desk Jockey

BW Stephens