We've had to do the same thing here from an HP3000 to an HP3000 for
Borland's Interbase.

First Interbase requires that we make a "transportable" copy of the

Then we FTP it over to the other machine.

Then it is read into the Interbase from the FTP'd copy.

Since we're also Powerhouse users, non-Interbase files in the dictionary
were QTP'd into portable subfiles, then those were FTP'd over and converted
back as well.
From: owner-hp3000-l
To: Multiple recipients of list HP3000-L
Subject: can you FTP a database?
Date: Thursday, September 26, 1996 8:28AM

Basically that's the question.  I don't have NS/DS between my
computers, and I need to copy a database over.  I can start up the FTP
stuff, but I'm not really familiar with it, so any help is appreciated.
