On Sep 16, Graeme Rollinson wrote:
> I'm looking for someone who may have experienced this fault (especially if
> on a 959 KS/200) and could suggest possible solutions.
> Since installing a 959 KS/200 a few weeks ago, I've experienced intermittent
> system crashes with FLT B800.  The HP Response Centre says that B800 points
> to a operating system problem but my 'gut feeling' is that it is a hardware
> problem.  System DUMPS have not helped pin-point the problem.
> Hardware configuration is:
> 959 KS200 with 512 Mbytes memory, DDS2 and CD-ROM installed on single ended
> SCSI internal, and 4 x 4Gbyte disks installed internal on fast wide.
> Installed in an A3312A expansion box is a second DDS2 connected to the
> single ended SCSI, and 2 x 2Gbyte disks connected fast wide.
Hi Graeme !
We had almost the same problem with a similar configuration:
A 959KS/200 with 512MB, various F&W SCSI and FL-Disks.
Our maschine crashed from time to time when running Netware/iX,
the emulation for Novell's Netware for the 3000 (I know, you should never force
a 3000 to behave like these PC-boxes...).
Same result: "DEAD B800".
According to HP-support the problem has to do with the streams/ix
There is a patch called "STRED99A" that should solve or even "reduce"
the problem.
Hope that helps you !
Good luck !
Martin Reissner.
Martin Reissner                           E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
ZEG Zentraleinkauf Holz + Kunststoff
D-70432 Stuttgart