Mark Klein wrote:
> Stan responds:
> >Jeff asks:
> >> Given all of the various HP Store formats, how many of them can be read
> >> by a standard FOS :RESTORE?
> >AFAIK, all of them ... it's a requirement, since many people wouldn't
> >purchase the product otherwise!
> Actually, there is one caveat identified in the Communicator and that is
> if you use sync at end, you can only restore on a 5.5 or later machine.
Thanks to all that responded, but the "real" concern was if "a given FOS
Restore command on a particular release" would restore all of the
Turbo-enhanced store formats, and the answer appears to be yes.  There
have been backward-compatible issues in the past (CM vs NM store, Turbo
parallel storesets, Turbo INTERleaved format, etc).  I recall early
notation that the INTERleaved format was not universally compatible, but
that was most likely my foggy memory of a backward compatibility issue.
Thanks again..
Jeff Kell <[log in to unmask]>    Go Vols! :-)