Jeanette/Ken Nutsford wrote:
> Hello HP3000 users,
> Our HP3000 Series 33 has HALTed and refuses to bootup. Diagnostic tests
> the failure could be due to the memory controller board. Can anyone help in
> sourcing a memory controller board from an unused Series 33 or Series 30?
> This request is probably a challenge for most of you just to remember  what
> Series 33 CPU looks like. Some of you may still be using it as a desk! If so,
> check in the back to see if the boards are still there in their slots.
> Thanks to anyone who can help.
> Ken Nutsford
> Systems Manager
> Timeshare Systems Ltd.
> <[log in to unmask]>
I don't know if this helps, but I have a series 42 in my garage,
If you determine if any of the parts are interchangeable, let me know,
and we can talk.
Bob Tyler...