Duane Percox wrote:
> Please don't lose site of the fact that HP is very large company and
> they have many different divisions. That presentation was intended to
> focus on the new pa-8000/Unix offerings and was orchestrated by GSY.
> I would not expect them to discuss anything else.
>  <SNIP some good stuff>
  I agree wholeheartedly with Duane. I am an HP3000 bigot from my head to
my toes and I simply saw this as a HP9000 video teleconference. I have
been to other teleconference where the HP9000 was never mentioned. I
think in this particular instance, HP was simply targeting a specific
audience with this video conference.
  I do believe that HP could have and probably should have targeted both
the HP3000 and the HP9000 with the message they delivered in the
teleconference. I think it was very relevant for all HP users. It
probably should have been produced using a joint effort by both CSY and
  A larger audience might have helped when it came time for the Q&A
period, HP wouldn't have had to ask so many questions for themselves.
Unless that is the way GSY does their Q& A sessions.
**                                 **
**  Chad Gilles                    **
**  Sr. Software Analyst           **
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**  American United Life           **
**  One American Sq.               **
**  Indianapolis, IN 46206-0368    **
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**  Ph.  317-263-1423              **
**  Fx.  317-263-1956              **
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