OK, I stayed up until 2:30 am this morning to install 5.5 (masochist I know).
The whole process went fairly well.  The one inch thick installation manual
seemed overall better than the past documentation, but there are several typo's
that I ran into.  All were benign, but the bit on setting up the TAR utility
on page 6-15 took me a couple minutes to figure out.  In true MPE fashion, they
intermix upper and lowercase at will.  In step 2, the instructions say:
:MKNOD "/DEV/TAPE c 0 n"
 and then go on to explain the parameters.  They even have following that:
' /dev/tape - The device link filename '
  ^^^^^^^^^  Ahh the REAL name.  This is what the MKNOD command really wants,
not it's upshifted cousin.  They get it right in the description, but the
"type this in" example has it wrong.
Overall, I'm pleased.  I haven't run into any gotchas (except for the
reinstal of Allbase/SQL G1.15 since 5.5 shipped only with G1.14).  I setup
the Network Printing for my Laserjet IIIP using a JetDirect EX Plus print
server without a hitch (ahhh banner pages without trailer pages!).
  So far, I'll give it an 'A'.  Cleaner documentation would have pushed it
up to 'A+'.  Now over the next couple weeks/months, I'll push things and
see what pops.
Michael L Gueterman
Easy Does It Technologies
email: [log in to unmask]
voice: (509) 946-6179
fax:   (509) 946-1170
We're moving!  Look for us at www.editcorp.com starting soon!