On MPE/V (Classic) systems the year 2000 was not supported prior to
Release 30 which was an interim release between 2P and 3P. There a still
a lot of Classic systems out there that have been chugging along just
fine with no compelling reason to upgrade. This may be a reason.
Geiser, Joe wrote:
> Watch it Tracey - there are a LOT of school districts using HP3000's <g>
> Anyway - to answer everyone's question - the HP3000 is able to handle the
> year change.  The internal clock is capable of going, I believe (and someone
> at HP correct me if I'm wrong) they year 2027.
> Of course, I'll be wealthy beyond my wildest dreams by then, sitting on
> a beach, sipping drinks and carousing with wild women ...er...just kidding...
> As for the third party applications - someone else will have to address
> them - but MPE and the HP3000 is solid for the "turn".
> Joe Geiser
Doug Werth
Beechglen Development Inc.
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