Jeff Kell and several other people commented:
>> I have been informed by Interex that after recent
>> discussions and review of options with HP, it has
>> been decided that all things considered it would be
>> best NOT to hold IPROF-97 at the HP - Cupertino
>> site.  HP-CSY management concurs with this decision.
>We're not welcome anymore?  Or CSY has been reduced to
>a couple of broom closets?
I'm in the middle of another frantric rush to obligate
expiring FY96 money in order to save FY97 $ for
salaries..........   So real quick:
It has been pointed out to me that by my choice
of words in the above original message I may have
mislead some people to think that the decision NOT to
hold IPROF at HP in 97 was primarily an Interex decision.
Mea culpa if that was the impression I left;  that did not
happen and was not my intent to convey.  My info was
and is that the HP people who run the Cupertino facility
were the ones who made the decision;  and that CSY
concurs with that decision.
Got to go for right now.....  The money chase calls......