This morning I turned on the PREFETCH attribute to see what positive
effects we might experience since the sentiment seems to be no negative
effects.  The issue would seem to need further examination it seems to me.
Environment: 3000/957 c 384MB memory and ~100 users.  While there have
been no noticeable negative database effects, the users have noted a
'jerky' screen painting that seems new as of today.  5-8 screen lines will
post from the database, a pause, then the balance of 5-8 will post.  I'll
run this way today and turn off the feature tomorrow for a bit more
'empirical' testing.  While the overall effect may be positive, the
'appearance' to the user (due to that mid-screen pause) is that there has
been a deterioration of response time.
Subject: Prefetch
Author:  "F. Alfredo Rego" <[log in to unmask]> at ~INTERNET
Date:    9/15/96 8:32 PM
Point your web browser to
and you will see that Robelle kindly published the following in "What's
DOCumentation?", 1996 # 2:
Our own Adager investigations have not yielded more than 5% to 10%
improvement.  And we could not get more concrete details from Robelle
regarding the 35%.
Before I release this automagic feature to the world, I would like to
conduct a survey among this elite group of HP3000 users.
        - Would you like for Adager to automatically ENABLE
          prefetch for all Adager-transformed databases?
        - Would you NOT?  (If so, why not?)
I believe we should follow the recommendation reported by Robelle.  But
more conservative people might feel uneasy about it.  Since I am more
aggressive than conservative, I am asking for your feedback :-)
 Deane Bell      Computer Services Coordinator, Affiliate Instructor
 The University of Washington           Vmail      : (206) 548-6009
 Medical Centers Pharmacy               switchboard: (206) 548-6060
 1959 N.E. Pacific Street, Box 356015   facsimile  : (206) 548-4901
 Seattle, WA  98195-6015  U.S.A.        internet   : [log in to unmask]