> Listers,
> What do you think of asking one of these fine organizations that have
> supported HP3000 Web information(robelle, 3k associates, etc.) to add a list
> of links for companies, etc., that own and use the HP3000? Might it help
> of 3000s if you could point at a web page with a list of example companies
> 3000s. How many companies would allow a link like this? What do you think?
> Richard ([log in to unmask])
I think this is a great idea.  I would like to see it expanded beyond just
HP3000 sites
that are on the web. It could be an incredible resource for targeting 3000
software and hardware products and if keyed regionally could be a resource for
professionals who were job hunting.
I would think that HP (maybe Interex) would have such a list available but they
charge for it.  Does anyone know if they do and what is involved to get it?