> I've got some MPE/iX command files that need to work on files that exist in
> the Posix name space.  I have had excellent success just running the
> appropriate command from HPBIN.SYS and passing the parameters in quotes.
> However, I have just discovered that passing wild cards doesn't seem to
> work.  For example, let's say I've got a file called "fred.091196". The
> following command works just fine:
>   LS.HPBIN.SYS "fred.091196"
> But the following command returns a "file not found" message:
>   LS.HPBIN.SYS "fred.*"
> Is there a "trick" to getting this to work?  Or will it simply not work
> unless I am actually running in the Posix shell?
> Gary
Typically the shell expands wildcards. Non-shell programs can be linked
with a special library LIBCWC.LIB.SYS that expands MPE wildcard characters
in their ;INFO strings. (Page 8-20 HP C/iX Ref. manual.)
Ross Scroggs                         email: [log in to unmask]
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