After I posted the "SIGIMAGE enhancement request "
message earlier today, it crossed my mind that maybe
I should ask 3000-L where they wanted to see SIGIMAGE -
specific messages:
Interex has done a fine job of setting up listservers for
individual active SIGs.  For smaller SIGs like SIGRAPID,
etc. this is clearly appropriate in that only a fairly small
fraction of the 3000-L readership is interested in most of
the detailed SIGRAPID traffic.  But for SIGIMAGE I am
going under the assumption that while Image is not
running on every last 3000 out there like MPE, the
percentage of 3000's that do NOT have Image must be
pretty small;  and therefore most 3000-L readers are
interested in traffic related to Image.
So rather than fragment discussions of general interest into
too many separate lists, unless there is a majority response
to the contrary I propose that questions and discussions
that relate to Image and also SIGIMAGE continue to go to
3000-L, rather than to the separate SIGIMAGE-L listserv.
I will take no response at all as concurrance with the above.
Ken Sletten