> Richard Gambrell wrote:
> > What do you think of asking one of these fine organizations that have
> > supported HP3000 Web information(robelle, 3k associates, etc.) to add a
> > list of links for companies, etc., that own and use the HP3000? Might it
> > help sales of 3000s if you could point at a web page with a list of
> > companies use 3000s. How many companies would allow a link like this?
> > do you think?
I have found a VAR that has expressed a willingness to host the site.  They
may need some help with the construction of the page and its maintenance.
 If anyone out there decides to "take the reins" on this, give me a call and
I'll get you in touch.
Terry W. Simpkins
Lucas Control Systems Products
(804) 766-4278        [log in to unmask]
**  The "UK" in my mail address does NOT mean I have moved.  **
**  It just means I am cheap, and use the gateway at another **
**  Lucas site instead of putting up one of my own.          **
**  Opinions here are mine only, not my employers            **