On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, Shawn Gordon wrote:
> I am currently using Fantasia with Speedware, and there are all sorts of
> problems in getting these two products to work correctly together.  I am
> wondering if anyone can make some good suggestions about forms merging
> software, especially in relation to using it with speedware.  I would love
> to see something that would let you merge the data and form during as a
> callable process instead of having to do this constant spooler scaning.  Any
> input is appreciated.
I have talked with one shop that is very happy with their environment
of Speedware and Fantasia.  I can't confirm or deny anything they
said, but I believe they had something like 40 forms being printed
using this combination of apps.  Could you be a little more specific
on some of the more frustrating problems?
John Joerger                    Press-Telegram (Long Beach)
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