I do this:
    sysgen> sh
            base configuration group = BOOTUP
            ....  (so now I want to change it to be config and I do)
 *    sysgen> keep config
 *           Purge old configuration (yes/no)?y
 *           ** configuration files successfully saved **
 *    sysgen> ba config
 *    sysgen> exit
     sysgen> sh
           base configuration group = BOOTUP
Why didn't the base configuration group change?
I  went to change the group because I was trying to validate from nmmgr and
 received this:
............ sysgen> KE
        keeping to group BOOTUP.SYS
        Purge old configuration (yes/no)?Automatic yes
        **error** can't purge configuration file MISCP.BOOTUP.SYS
!  FILE NAME IS MISCP.BOOTUP.SYS                 !
!            NOLABEL                             !
!            WAIT,NOCOPY                         !
!  DEVICE TYPE: 3      DEVICE SUBTYPE: 8         !
!  LDEV: 1        DRT: 8         UNIT: 0         !
!  RECORD SIZE: 320    BLOCK SIZE: 320   (WORDS) !
!  EXTENT SIZE: 1      MAX EXTENTS: 8            !
!  RECPTR: 0           RECLIMIT: 3               !
!  LOGCOUNT: 0            PHYSCOUNT: 0           !
!  EOF AT: 3           LABEL ADDR: %00000000000  !
!  FILE CODE: 0        ULABELS: 0                !
!  FILE OWNER: MANAGER.SYS                       !
!  PHYSICAL STATUS: 0000000000000000             !
!  ERROR NUMBER: 93    RESIDUE: 0                !
!  BLOCK NUMBER: 0            NUMREC: 1          !
        **error** couldn't save configuration files!!
 sysgen> EX
Cross-validation with SYSGEN was successful.
The above message seems strange and I get an error when I exit nmmgr.  What
have I messed up here?  I also noticed a deviceand path  my partner added
last week is no longer in the sysgen and I saw him key it in  (and 'ho' and
'ke')... TIA