This is an old story.  Do not respond.  This has been going around for a long
Leonard Berkowitz
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Make a Wish
Author:  Ken Wolff <[log in to unmask]> at Internet-Exchange
Date:    08/27/96 9:35 AM
Hello all,
Since I don't work on HP3000's regularly anymore, I usually just sit back and
read the HP3000 traffic in an attempt to keep up to speed with MPE/iX.  Thanks,
everyone, for all the shared knowledge.
This morning I received a note which I thought was worth sharing.  If you've
seen this, I apologize for wasting bandwidth.  If you haven't, well, I think
that's obvious...
> Ken;
> Thought you might be able to pass this along;
> >I recently received a note about Craig Sherford, a seven year old boy who
> is suffering from terminal cancer.  Chris wants to be put in the Guinness
> Book of World Records for having the most business cards collected by one
> person.
> If you have a business card from you can spare, you can send one of
> them to:
>         Craig Sherford
>         Children's Make A Wish Foundation
>         82 Parameter Center East
>         Atlanta GA  30346
Ken Wolff                                          "I DO work for food!"
Lockheed Martin                                    ---------------------
Denver, Colorado
[log in to unmask]
If my employer thinks my opinions are of no consequence, why should you?