Check out Telamon.  I believe they might have a solution for you.  They have a
web page at:
Hope this helps.
Bob said:
>I work for a company running an HP3000/967 MPEiX 5.0. We have various
>network servers attached. We are looking for a way for the HP to notify
>someone via Alphanumeric Pager if there is a problem (job failed, power
>outage, etc.). We will be attaching a card to our UPS that will allow it
>to communicate to the HP.
>If anyone knows of any software/hardware solution to this problem,
>please let me know. If you are a vendor of such services, feel free to
>reply as well (just not to the newsgroup).
>Email at:    [log in to unmask]
>Thank you,
>Bob Tyler...
>------------ MPE RULES, DUDE!!! --------------
John Korb                            email: [log in to unmask]
Innovative Software Solutions, Inc.
The thoughts, comments, and opinions expressed herein are mine
and do not reflect those of my employer(s), or anyone else.