I have hooked the HP3000-L FAQ to a search engine which allows you to
get the FAQ in a more structured format, along with text searches.
The address is: http://www.qss.com/faq3k.html
And because I can't help myself:
The complete setup, web server and search engine are MPE resident,
and written in COBOL. The system is a series 937/LX (MPE 4.0).
FYI - I made no modifications to the downloaded FAQ to be able to process
      it in this manner, and all the html links are generated on the fly
      by the search engine (WEBFAQ) which is an in-process XL resident
      script. Amazing what you can trick those old tired HP3000
      systems in doing ;-).
Duane Percox  (QSS)
[log in to unmask] (v:415.306.1608 f:415.365.2706)
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