From:   Stan Sieler
Sent:   Friday, August 23, 1996 1:58 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list HP3000-L
Subject:        Re: Post-poster picture posting (No. 1)
Hi all,
>[I forgot to mention to him: ] Another disadvantage with email posting
>is that the HP3000-L readers have *no choice* in receiving the pictures!
All I have to say is - thank goodness for ISDN.  I got these last night at home
and if I was using 28.8 or worse, 14.4 - I would have been in bed before it was
finished <g>
>You should always test with Netscape first ... that's something like 80% of the
>market!   Testing with Microsoft Internet Explorer,
>AIRMOS (CompuServe), xxx (AOL) would get the major minor players
>on PCs and Macs, and Unix Mosaic would get the rest of the X-Windows
>users.   (for viewers with at least 1% of the "market")
Don't completely write off MS Internet Explorer.  It is #2 and climbing in the
rankings quite quickly.  AOL will be bundling IE as will CompuServe in their
32-bit versions as well.  I agree, test with Netscape, but also test with IE.
Best Regards