Shawn, very unfortunately, asks:
> I understand that HP finally gave us a way to configure weather PARM=-1 is
> available at signon time.  Can someone tell me how to change it?
I'd prefer to say: no
But, if you do decide to do this *VERY UNWISE* do it
   :hello manager.sys
   sy enforcelogonudcs=on
or, preferably:
   sy enforcelogonudcs=off
and reboot, with "start norecovery group=config"  (or whatever group your
config is in)
Ok...*why* am I so against this?
You're keeping out exactly and only one user: the system manager.  That's all.
Well, I have news for you:  the system manager is an important user,
who darn well better be able to logon when your logon UDCs are screwed up!
I've had to dial in and rescue users a number of times over the years...
generally with success.
The two times this year that I actually *failed* to help the user was when
they had done enforcelogonudcs=on.
It's exactly like putting unopenable security bars on your windows
at home...a cheap and incorrect solution to a problem ... one that could
cost you much, much more than you will ever save!
Stan (did I mention I don't like enforcelogonudcs=on?) Sieler