From:   Tony Furnivall
Sent:   Thursday, August 15, 1996 5:40 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list HP3000-L
Subject:        HP Earnings
I was checking the HP press release on 3rd Quarter earnings today - they got
beaten up by the market (fell almost $4) because of a 26% decrease in
quarterly earnings. So, just for fun, I plotted the quarterly earnings
growth over the past 2 years. Quarterly earnings for 3rd quarter are about
10 times the quarterly earnings from 2 years ago. (Assuming I understand the
figures, which is not certain!)
Quarterly revenue is 5 times the figure from 2 years ago.
Now people know how I can afford to go to HPWorld <g>.  HP's always been
a great ROI, and those who have held it, have done quite well.