From:   [log in to unmask]
Sent:   Tuesday, July 30, 1996 11:19 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list HP3000-L
Subject:        Demise of HP Desk /Open Desk
Just a week ago I had a response center manager over. One of the
topics was the future of HP Desk or HP Open Desk as it is now called.
This HP representative told me that there would be one more release of
this program (currently at release C0.03) and that HP would call it a
day. So of to the mature status.
This, I think, is one more example of the HP lacking support of there
product range on the HP3000.
Thank goodness I just dropped support on HPDesk...we replaced it with a $450
SMTP/POP3 Server on Windows NT, and Pegasus POP3 Clients.