Nick Demos wrote:
> Note that HP is decommitting (hope that"s a word) things it
> promised to do for MPE.  We heard a lot of "lack of resources"
To keep this in perspective, we should bear in mind that the "lack of resources"
comes from different angles.  It applies to some extent to CSY, but for the most
part it relates to WCSO (Roseville).  Once a product is delegated to Roseville
for support (Editor, Fcopy, HPEdit, compilers, link editor, OpenDesk, etc) then
it falls into a black hole.  WCSO does little support other than answering
questions and fixing bugs in the existing product that can't be classified as an
enhancement request.  WCSO is a black hole where we relegate software to be
placed in limbo, deferring it's obsolescence as long we we continue to pay them
to do nothing with our support dollars.
Witness HPEdit and HFS (posix) file support; they took enough time to add a
specific error message when trying to edit HFS filenames, yet not enough to fix
it to work with HFS files in the first place.  Go figure.
I can understand CSY's limitations; but I've been enlightened to WCSO's stand on
software "support" and I don't like what I see at all.
Jeff Kell <[log in to unmask]>