Alfredo said:
The makeup of the roundtable differed in one notable way this year: The
head of HP's Computer Systems
organization was on the dais. Dick Watts was not bashful about setting a
different course for the cooperation
between HP's Unix business and its loyal 3000 customers.
Watts, appointed to head HP's systems business after Wim Roelandts left the
company early this year, used his
first user group appearance to assure customers MPE wasn't being left
behind in HP's future strategy.
"I've learned an awful lot from being at this conference, and an awful lot
from this particular session," Watts
said. The "subtle" messages about more investment in the HP 3000 --
delivered with the usual passion by
customers happy with their systems but wanting a better future for them --
prompted a promise from him. "I
think we'll take those [messages] to heart," he told customers, drawing a
round of applause. "I expect a very
aggressive advertising budget to be submitted by Harry [Sterling] in the
next few months."
Good for you, Dick!
>>   But where is Lew Platt in all this??  While I heard all this, I
       Couldn't help thinking that we have heard much of it before.
Note that HP is decommitting (hope that"s a word) things it
promised to do for MPE.  We heard a lot of "lack of resources"
My point is that it is too soon for anyone to sit back and relax
and consider support for the 3000 a done deal.  Every one has to
keep up the pressure!
Nick  [log in to unmask]