In article <01bb8267$c7b52340$0e44fecc@pvnisoft>, "Vinh-Nien Nguyen"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
||What the hell do you mean?! The Mac users I know lack the mental capacity
|to get PC's to work, so that was probably the problem.
I find quite the opposite to be true... most Mac programmers I know
understand design, and most PC programmers are hacks. Similar with users.
Mac users may not know more about essoteric things like config.sys or
win.ini or other things that you don't need to know to understand
computers, while PC types often think this garbage is knowledge... it is
useless OS-Specific trivia required for archaic systems (Welcome to
| Regarding
|communications, a tech person at my workplace had to spend well over a
|month to get the company's only Macintosh to log on to the Internet.
Another shining example of a PC-Guru who thinks he knows computers... it
took me about 15 minutes from soup to nuts. Damn that was hard.
| Having
|the same OS is not all it takes to interface computers. You need the same
|software as well. Apple decided to use their dumb built in propriatery (did
|I spell that right?) software because their customers are too stupid to
|find one for themselves.
What are you talking about?
|The Novell IPX protocol is what just about
|everyone uses in the PC world for Local Area Networks.
See... but that is not a standard either. It is more common, but not
necessarily more a standard.
Besides I beleive TCP/IP is more standard than IPX (and certainly there
are few companies out there that write as crappy of code as some of the
stuff coming out of Novel). TCP is standard on Macs. Hmmmm...
|Another thing to
|prove that PC's are superior, why are there all these PC emulating things
|on the market?
So idiot MIS managers who make stupid requirements "like PC compatible"
can be shut up and gotten around. Like most buerocrats IS-types often like
to see how much they can inhibit productivity by making stupid rules.
It is also because there are so many idiotic DOS-Head programmers out
there that dont understand UI or an EventLoop, and so Macs need archaic
DOS compatibility just like Windows. (I don't see MS dropping DOS support
for Windows, do you?)
|The only Mac emulating things I've seen are shareware and
|freeware, probably because they wouldn't make enough money in a store.
Exactly... you can put lipstick on a chicken but its still fowl. Mac
software on a PC is still not a Mac. Why? Because the hardware-software
integration still doesn't exist, and the hardware architecture would still
be a cluster-fuck.
David K. Every
MacKiDo Warrior - The Power of the Macintosh Way!
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