David Greco wrote:
>  Some companies have stopped making Mac
> : versions of their products entirely, saying that it's a waste of time for a
> : low return on investment.
> Can you support this?  Actually, if a company makes GOOD software, it is a
> higher return on investment.  Mac users don't buy Shit, and some companies
> try to force feed it to us, so we don't buy it.  It's not my fault that
> you blindly accept whatever is given to you.
Uh, try competition and volume sales.  That's what drives PC software
prices down.  Mac prices are inflated because the whole damn system is
proprietary.  Just now Apple is opening up the OS to 3rd party vendors.
I used to be a Mac geek until I did a 6 month contract at Apple.  Bunch
of kids writing really shitty seat-of-the-pants crashware.  Management
is completely stupid.  No vision or reality.  I bought a 486, Visual
C++, and got the fuck out in '93 and never looked back.  Now I use NT
Server.  It DESTROYS the Mac when it comes to reliability and
availability of tools and industry SUPPORT, not wishful Copeland
fairytales and no-new-OSs-this-year-itis....  Etc, etc.