Alfredo says:
> How much does it cost me, in terms of hardware, software, gurus to
> run the show, etc., to have a 100-user installation with an Oracle
> or Sybase database (with all 100 users concurrently accessing
> the same database)?
Well, I can't answer for Oracle or Sybase, but here are some
points, and these are verifiable:
Until 1 July 1996, we ran our financial applications (general
ledger, accounts payable, purchasing, stores inventory and
cataloging) on our
        HP3000 Series 957
        1 processor
        256 MB memory
        42 GB disc
        200+ users (of which about 50 were financial users)
Of the total monthly CPU seconds on the 957, the financial modules
took 22.23%.
As of 1 July 1996, we are running ORACLE Financials to achieve
the same business functions on a DEDICATED ...
        DEC Alpha 2100
        3 processors
        1000 MB memory
        44 GB disc
        60 users
The HP3000/957 is humming along very nicely all by itself, as
usual.  Even showing a little idle time every once in awhile.
The DEC is very busy now.
I thought that might be interesting to some of you.
Ron Burnett
Royal Children's Hospital
Melbourne, Australia
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