Now that HPWorld is coming close, I wanted to give a last chance to get
presubmitted questions in for the Client-Server Roundtable, being held on
Friday, August 9, at 10:00, Room A-1 in Anaheim...
If you have a question which you'd like addressed at the roundtable, you
can send it to:
      [log in to unmask]
Prefice the subject heading with CSRT: , and a question subject.  The
message body should contain the question.
I'll be taking them until Monday, referring them to Interex each day for
posting to the web site which is being established for this purpose as
well, however, this will also give us a change to know what is on your mind
and the questions you have in this area.
There will be panelists covering all applicable areas such as Networks,
Middleware, Cross-Platform Access, and developers from both the 9000 and
3000 arenas.  We'll also have representation for using the web - is this
the next development and application platform?  Ask, and you may find out!
I'll be looking forward to your questions!  If you've already sent yours,
it's been forwarded to Interex already to be included and there is no need
to repost it.
Best Regards, and I'll see you in Anaheim next week!
Joe Geiser
Client-Server Roundtable
HPWorld '96