Hi Alfredo & Jeff,
Yes, I am list-ening... today even close to zero backlog as I have
changed the HP3000-L digesting to "my" 3000/959-200 dump reading and
diagnostic system using THE freeware Netmail/3000 and Netscape Mail
as POP client. (I guess a freeware plug isn't a plug, is it?).
(My Desk has been recovered but the [log in to unmask]
 IT gateway still prefers the redirection to OpenMail at present)
I intended to also post this reply with Netscape Mail but my network
connection is somewhat unreliable today, so I returned to the plain
terminal interface (it is sunday and I am not at the office...)
By the way, my 959-200 serves even less users than the "monsters" that
have been mentioned in the recent Oracle-wasting/selling-hardware posts.
But this is a lack of users, not a lack of horsepower, I guess :-)
Well, back from the off-topic asides (sorry for bandwidth but at least
it was plain ASCII waste, not postscript or PDF or MPEG video)...
Thanks for advertising the Web Starter Kit, Alfredo. I am very happy
that you (and Joe) enjoyed it. The current version 1.1 still lacks some
some samples how to trigger MPE commands or or handle forms to involve
programs allowing TurboIMAGE database access (using CGI scripts). But I
hope to find some (p)leisure time to try (and include) these things. So
I guess there will be some 1.2 version to be accounced some day.
I hope that there will be a chance at HP World to make copies for all
those who are interested in the Web Starter Kit (especially for those
who do not yet have Internet access, but might use it on their inhouse
InTRAnet). This will save me from filling out another bunch of customs
papers... ;-)
I wish I could attend HP World and visit the giant poster. Sigh.
Jeff, your posting re SIGPOSIX was excellent (as usual) and I think the
value of Mark Klein's g++ port really gives us all a chance to get more
tools & applications onto the 3000. I haven't tried it myself so far,
and without your posting I might have even forgotten about it :(
I once considered it would be nice to have free "limited" versions of
the HP 3000 compilers (at least COBOL and Pascal), with the limitation
being something that constrains the "size" of the resulting program (for
example a limited number of symbols that can be defined/imported).
That idea still has the "language of choice" advantage i.e. if I know
Pascal then I can start programming on the 3000 using my known/favourite
language instead of struggling with C (which I myself find too dangerous
for me as the compiler will allow me to shoot myself in the foot more
easily than Pascal does it)...
BUT having the GNU g++ "unrestricted" compiler indeed is a great chance!
Let's not miss using that chance!