Jeff Kell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I think the best opportunity for all parties is to devise an MPE-mindset
>package of the ":restore, stream install, and go" variety which plugs in the
>missing links in the posix implementation and installs the Gnu environment
>and other necessary pieces of the currently available (but widely unknown)
>capabilities.  The current status quo is disorganized and very confusing to
>all concerned, but with 5.5 plus available freeware, you can have a free
>and reasonably robust development environment (if you want it); or at the
>least the necessary "environment" that the ports expect to find.  Few of the
>ports are "standalone" - they expect to find BSD libraries, Gnu utilities,
>and/or ship with redundant static libraries.  This must change.
>If we can "stabilize" a common development environment, the willing
>developers can share a common ground and porting should be eased
>considerably.  With enough ports (and MPE-friendly packaging) we can
>hopefully bring useful posix software to the hands of the most astute MPE
Lars/iX (Lars Appel <[log in to unmask]>), are you listening?  :-)
Lars has done an outstanding job packaging a ":restore, stream install, and
go" DDS for web-serving functionality on the HP3000.  I received a DDS from
Lars and I was very impressed with his approach.  Joe Geiser has another
DDS (from Lars) that he'll take to Anaheim.
So, Jeff, there is a nice precedent (limited to web-only functionality,
granted) that you might want to study and expand to include the wider Posix
I can't speak for Lars, but I'm sure he'll be delighted to share his
experiences and to cooperate with Jeff & Co.
I'm glad to see this Posix interest moving forward.
|               |
|            r  |  Alfredo                     [log in to unmask]
|          e    |                 
|        g      |  F. Alfredo Rego               Tel 208 726-9100
|      a        |  Manager, Theoretical Group    Fax 208 726-2822
|    d          |  Adager Corporation
|  A            |  Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-3000            U.S.A.
|               |