OK, I was a bit skeptical of the "fall of the 3000" posts, but then I read
in Information Week yesterday (last night) about IBM targeting 3000
users for an AS/400 sales campaign.
The thrust of this is that the perception is that HP is abandoning the
3000, and that the AS/400 is prime to take over the market.
HP responded in the article that they are not abandoning the 3000,
but they are now suggesting that 3000 users "supplement" their
3000's with HP-UX or NT boxes for new applications!
WHAT THE HELL IS HP SAYING HERE?  It seems like they are
talking out of both sides of their mouths!
Ought to be an interesting Management Roundtable at HPWorld.
I certainly will be there - as I'm sure that many other of you as
well.  I read this stuff, and it makes my blood boil.
Anyway - enough bandwidth for ranting - if you get Information
Week - its in the latest issue and buried.  Since I don't have the
issue with me right now - I don't have the page number.  I can
post that tonight when I get home.
Joe Geiser