Mark M. wrote:
> In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] says...
> >
> >(this query is re-posted to a wider audience, adding
> >   newsgroups recommended by initial respondents)
> >
> >Greetings Netizens with Program/System Design expertise:
> >
> >Has Visual Basic matured to the point that it can be used in a
> >mission-critical healthcare application?
> >
> >A major vendor of healthcare software is trying to decide if they
> >should revise their flagship application using Microsoft Visual Basic.
> >This 'mission-critical' application is presently implemented in Micro
> >Focus COBOL on HP-UX/MPE servers, feeding dumb-terminals throughout
> >the hospitals in which it is installed.
> >
> >I'm under the (mistaken?) impression that Visual Basic has a stigma of
> >being 'inappropriate' for developing mission-critical, realtime
> >systems filled with sensitive patient and financial data. If so, it
> >may be awfully difficult for us to pitch IT-savvy Hospital IS managers
> >and CEO's on the product (we provide this client with marketing and
> >management services).
> >
> >Your experience, advice, answers and anecdotes regarding these four
> >points will be read with great interest...
> >
> >1. What's the 'social perception' of VB among IT professionals?
> >2. What's the technical viability of using VB for a healthcare app?
> >3. Any alternative solutions you suggest we look into?
> >4. Would you trust your life to a hospital that runs on Visual Basic?
> >
> >TIA, anyone who has a minute to help us out by sharing their $.02
> >
> >--Sean Dreilinger
> >please communicate any blatant ads/advocacy/flames via private e-mail
> >
> >
> >                                          Sean Dreilinger, MLIS
> >        PGP Public Key -
> >  [log in to unmask] - 619.514.3939 -
> >KENSHO - Bringing Knowledge to the Information Age - in a Flash
Well, it sounds like as if you need the services of an applications architect.
Only 16% of client/server apps are completed on time and with the functionality
required. I am sure this dismal figure is due to a large part in not picking
right tools to fit the job. The issue of whether to use VB or another product
such as Powerbuilder, Delphi or C++ is really dependent on a number of issues
cannot be decided just "because someone likes it and everybody else is using
For example, you mention security as a criteria. Normally, this is handled by
database service. This pretty well eliminates a desktop DB such as MS Access.
So you're
left with something like SQLServer, Oracle or Sybase, depending on requirements
as numbre of concureent users, volumetrics, etc... But then you have have to
make sure
the GUI you've selected provides a direct DB access mechanism. This may lead to
increased costs and licensing problems. The list goes on and on.
The point I am trying to make is the selection of a product is far too
complicated to
be resolved over a newsgroup. Take my advice. Get the best impartial
architect money can buy. In the end you'll more than re-coup your costs as
to get bogged down in a never ending development project.