> Hello everybody.
> We have an HP/3000 full of running aplications which creates lots of reports.
> We also have a netware
> (Novell) LAN full of printers. To add some more gas on fire, we manage a wide
> area network (TCP/IP)
> which "sees" lots of other Novell networks with lots of other printers.
> 1.  Is there a way in this world I can have my HP/3000 spooler "route" the
> print files to my Novell
> LAN printers? Is there any comercial product which does this? Another spooler?
> Some network aware
> program? ANYTHING??
> 2. Our remote users connecting to us by Wide Area Network, running HP/3000
> reports would like to see
> these reports print on their Novell (netware) printers. How would I do this?
We use Unispool from Holland House. It allows us to reach every printer:
NetWare printers, PC printers, LAN connected printers etc. It is a
very powerful product.
> I wish to thank now anybody who can help me with some information, hints,
> manuals and so on..
There are other products from Quest and Minisoft which can do what
you need. Good luck.
*  Roman Sallin                           Tel     +41 (0)31 9810666      *
*  SWS SoftWare Systems AG                Fax     +41 (0)31 9813263      *
*  Freiburgstr. 634                       E-Mail  [log in to unmask]    *
*  CH - 3172 Niederwangen                                                *