I posed a question regarding perl recently.  The question was
Why does perl seem to function interactively and not function
as a script file?
I found the answer in a prior post of Jeff Kell.
"Note that in the 5.0 shell, it does not support the
implied shell invocation, e.g.,#!/usr/local/bin/perl
as first line of the script will *not* work like Un*x.
You will have to "perl yourscript" rather than simply
"yourscript". To fix this, I've included a small utility
(in the 5.001 perl) to alter perl scripts so they *will*
work directly from the shell."
The bottom line is if you want to use perl from a file
such as <myperl.cgi> which looks like the following;
#! /usr/local/bin/perl
< perl code >
then you need to create a second file <myperl2.cgi> which
looks like this
/usr/local/bin/perl myperl.cgi
and execute myperl2.cgi.
Search Dejanews newsgroups for Jeff Kells post regarding
a work around to this problem!
I'm under the impression HP will fix the #!shell statement
in the 5.5 release of MPEix!!!
Hope this helps other perl folks!!!
  Joe Whitlock
  2121 S.W. 152nd               | Home Email: [log in to unmask]
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