Hi MPE friends,
please forgive my recent posting of OpenMail autoreply messages to
this list (blush). These autoreplies were neither intended for the
public (more blush) nor meant to add to the waste of bandwidth...
so please refrain from unsubscribing ;)
I am sure you can keep a secret, so here is the story:
It just happened that XX managed to delete my OpenDesk account
"by accident" (or should it be "their" way of encouraging me
to migrate to OpenMail ?).
Once upon a time I had hpDesk and Unix Mail, the latter being
forwarded to my hpDesk and used e.g. for HP3000-L digest receipt.
Later I added an OpenMail account to try the look and feel but
never got rid of it again. I setup an autoforward to hpDesk and
the infamous autoreply. Now my hpDesk is gone (until they recover
it from backup) and the Unix Mail gets forwarded to OpenMail...
The first HP3000-L digest triggered the sloppy autoreply and open
systems just received a new meaning for me (blush again).
As I said before... this is a secret. Just you and me know it.
Notice that I consider OpenMail a nice product -- at least in the
hands of the right people. I just personally prefer OpenDesk as
I found it reliable, easy-to-use and easy-to-admin (after reading
the manual). Especially when using Clients of Choice and an SMTP
gateway like <hidden_plug> ?? </hidden_plug> which is purely 3000
based and efficient and fast.
Cheers, Lars/iX
PS: These are my personal opinions and probably not those of
    my employer (I hope they still _are_ my employer ;-)