Over the weekend, Griff said....
> Hello. One of our accountants is going on maternity leave, and so needs
> First, what we have:
> HP3000 925LX
> 1 7936 Disk Drive
> 3 7937 Disk Drives
> 1 7974 Tape Drive
> 1 2345A Distributed Terminal Controller with two cards (both for 3-pin
[more snip]
The HP2345A DTC (we call them Darn Tricky Contraptions) is where you will
need to hook up your modem.  More below.....
> On the backside of the 925LX, there is a connector block labeled
> "40290-60010" with several places to connect things. Only two have
> connected to them - the ones on the ends. One seems to go to the console
> and the other seems to go to the HP itself. Starting from the end with
> the cable that seems to go to the HP, they are labeled:
> (not labeled, goes to HP)
> DCE    Session Port
> M      Remote Support Modem
> 1M
> 2M
> 3DC
> 4DC
> 5DC
> DC (goes to console)
> So, it seems that I could hook a modem up to "M", "1M", or "2M", but I
> have no idea which LDEV to configure with SYSGEN. I also have no clue
> which LDEV corresponds with each port on the 40290-60010.
> Could some kind soul lend a hand? TIA
It may be possible to hook up to the remote support modem port with a
modem, but then you would need to enable the support software on your
console.  This would open up everybody to get access to your console, if
you allowed this one user to dial in.
There was a question/answer on modems and HP3k's a couple of weeks ago.
Hoever, I think in your case it will be easier than what was described in
that message.  That's the good news.
You need to make a cable that connects from the DTC (3 pin) to a db-25
cable to plug into your modem.  The HP 3pin connector's pins 2 & 3 are the
same as a DB-25.  Pin 1 is equal to a DB-25 pin 7 (ground).  The HP3000
DTC ports are a DCE, so to connect to a modem, you will need to swap pins
2 and 3 with the DB25 connector to plug into the modem.  This makes a
kinda null modem cable.
Since you don't have a full modem port, you will need to fake out the
signals the modem usually requires.  Force DTR & CTS high (AT&C0&D1);
Turn off modem responses (AT&V1) and save your configs (AT&W).
The bad news is that since you only have 3 pin DTC connections, there is
no way to have the session log off when the modem hangs up.  If you only
have one user using this modem, this should not be a problem.  Just make
that person aware that they MUST log off when they are done.
> P.S. I also am wondering - can I connect this machine to my Unix
> I'd like to be able to logon to the HP from my Unix machines.
If your unix machines are HP9000s, they may have the program VT3K.  This
will allow you to have a full blockmode supported session on the HP3000.
If they are not HP9000, there is a freeware VT program.  I forget the
name.  I'm sure someone from the HP3000-l will respond and give that
To go the other way (3000->9000), you will need to get up to MPE/iX
version 5.0 which supports an outbound telnet client.  This will only work
if you have the existing LANlink software on your HP3000.  If you don't,
just wait until version 5.5, which has all of the underlying software
Hope this helps
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