Hello again.
I received the following private message about the 'best practices'.
>Maybe it's because no one thinks their practices are 'best'.  :-)
Interesting thought.  So, let me change the title of this list to 'just
plain practices' :)  As we look at our own practices, we may not see
the 'best' part of them because we live the 'not-so best' parts
throughout the year.  However, there are many who are looking for *any*
part :)
I also received a post that maybe I was asking for something too broad.
You know, 'tell me everything you know.'  So, what if we do this list
by topics.  The first one I was interested in was "Installation,
Updates, Patches and Upgrades".  Gilles Schipper had an excellent list
for Upgrades, although you may have something to add.
Additionally, how do you install PowerPatches?  Specific Patches?  OS
Upgrades (with and without 3rd-party XL/NL/SL routines)?  Installing a
new machine in your environment?
Any 'war stories' or steps/process you like to do with these fun System
Management projects?
Larry Boyd    <[log in to unmask]>
"Each problem solved creates the opportunity to solve the next problem
          that the last solution created." - Richard Pascale
(These opinions are my own and not those of Hewlett-Packard.)