Duane Percox wrote:
> Did you hear about the IBM plan to hijack the giant poster
> on the road to Anaheim?
I see that Denys' ruse has worked well -- Duane fell for it.
The real story is this:
Denys has been conducting intense discussions with Bill Gates of Microsoft:
 - Denys' would like to see MPE/iX be more Windows-friendly
 - Bill Gates wants an easy-to-use, robust, scalable enterprise-capable
operating system that will run on Intel hardware.
Together they've hatched a plan to acquire the MPE/iX source code, steal the
CSY lab personnel and, by the time the Merced chipset ships, announce NTAS
'98: a merged NTAS and MPE/iX -- full 64 bit implementation, and yes, it
will run on workstation hardware!
Stealing the poster is just the first step; in fact, Wirt is in cahoots with
them: he'll show up at HP World in rumpled, soiled, bloody, torn clothing
after having hitchhiked from some desert location claiming that he was the
victim of a hijacking.
In reality, the poster doesn't even exist!
There it is -- the awful truth...
 -- Evan