Joe Geiser said:
> OK, I was a bit skeptical of the "fall of the 3000" posts, but then I read
> in Information Week yesterday (last night) about IBM targeting 3000
> users for an AS/400 sales campaign.
I can attest to the "IBM targeting 3000 users" phrase, as evidenced
by the attached post I made to the list a couple of weeks ago.
Haven't heard anything else from them though...
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:          Self <Largent>
To:            HP3000-L
Subject:       Letter from IBM
Cc:            Board
Date:          Thu, 11 Jul 1996 08:45:39
I received some interesting mail today - from IBM.  The first two
paragraphs read:
    "Have you read this article?  It's a copy of a story from the
    April 22 edition of ComputerWorld that airs the frustrations of
    HP3000 owners. The tone suggests many owners are uncomfortable
    with Hewlett Packard's focus on the HP 9000."
    "We want you to know we empathize with you.  We're here to solve
    your problems, not add to your frustration.  So while it appears
    Hewlett Packard seems to be divesting from its 3000, we at IBM
    continue to aggressively invest in our AS/4000 (R) customers."
The letter goes on for a few more paragraphs, and is signed by Tony
Madden, AS/400 Technology Executive.  Enclosed was a reprint of the
Computerworld article.
Did anybody else get this mailing, or am I special?
David L. Largent                     "My thoughts are my own,
Information Services Manager          unless I choose to share them!"
The Gilbert Companies, Inc.          Phone: 317/284-4461
P.O. Box 1032                        Facs:  317/288-2079
Muncie, Indiana  47308-1032          Email: [log in to unmask]