I see lots of references to 'my listener' and 'my server' and from the
early socket shareware I formulated a general plan of: "you have your
listener and you have your server". Now, I expanded on that somewhat
by writing a general purpose listener, but the split personality
still remains.
Recently I needed to write a server which would be a small utility
and I didn't want to have to use a separate listener. So I did the following
which might be of interest to others (or I'm just the last one to figure it
I made my server a listener also. I set it up so when the server is run with
a specific ;parm= it runs as a listener. When run in this mode it uses the
PROCINFO intrinsic to determine its file name.
Then when I create my son server processes I automatically know the name. So
I don't have to care where the program was installed, don't have to edit any
jcl, etc, etc. Of course when I create the son server process I set ;parm=
to a value that indicates 'server' mode and do server type things.
Makes for a very clean listener/server pair.
Duane Percox  (QSS)
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