Hello. One of our accountants is going on maternity leave, and so needs
to be able to login from home via a modem to perform certain things for
which only she is authorized. So, I need to figure out how to hook up
a modem to our HP3000 so that she can do this. Problem is, I'm a Unix
guy - being the only admin-type person around, I inherited the HP.  :-}
It seems simple - find a spot to hook the modem, run SYSGEN to configure
the LDEV, and go. But the details are bogging me down.
First, what we have:
HP3000 925LX
1 7936 Disk Drive
3 7937 Disk Drives
1 7974 Tape Drive
1 2345A Distributed Terminal Controller with two cards (both for 3-pin RS232)
2392A Console
several 700/92 terminals
When I logon, I see:
HP3000 / MPE XL  A.10.01.  THU, JUL 18, 1996,  3:36 PM.
MPE XL CI A.10.30 Copyright (C) Hewlett-Packard 1987. All Rights Reserved.
(yeah, I know - it's ancient)
On the backside of the 925LX, there is a connector block labeled
"40290-60010" with several places to connect things. Only two have anything
connected to them - the ones on the ends. One seems to go to the console
and the other seems to go to the HP itself. Starting from the end with
the cable that seems to go to the HP, they are labeled:
(not labeled, goes to HP)
DCE    Session Port
M      Remote Support Modem
DC (goes to console)
So, it seems that I could hook a modem up to "M", "1M", or "2M", but I
have no idea which LDEV to configure with SYSGEN. I also have no clue
which LDEV corresponds with each port on the 40290-60010.
Could some kind soul lend a hand? TIA
P.S. I also am wondering - can I connect this machine to my Unix network?
I'd like to be able to logon to the HP from my Unix machines.
The HP seems to have all the right physical connections to do the job,
but I suspect the answer is "no" since I doubt it does TCP/IP. Maybe I'm
P.P.S. Email replies appreciated.
Griff Miller                         "Keep my mind on higher things; keep my
Systems Administrator   '95 Z-28      mind on truth."
Positron Corporation    '85 VF1100S
[log in to unmask]            My opinions are mine, not Positron's.